You can EASILY Earn 1 Lakh Per Month Without College Degree

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In this post, I will share with you the 25 Skills to Learn if You Want to Earn 1 Lakh Per Month Without College Degree.

All of these skills are GREAT to learn and Earn 1 Lakh Per Month in 2021.

Let’s get started…

25 Skills to Earn 1 Lakh Per Month Without College Degree

1. Programming (Basic to Advance Coding)

Programming or Coding is the process of designing and Building a computer Programme to do something according to the user. Code tells a computer what steps to take and is like creating a set of instructions for writing code.

You can tell computers what to do or how to do it by learning and writing code.

You can learn programming resources and lessons from various websites such as Khan Academy, YouTube,, and many other platforms. You can learn these skills for free and you can buy some courses from Udemy or many places that have more sophisticated teaching methods and practices. 

The lessons you buy are usually supported by instructors, so they are worth the investment.

You can learn to create software and solutions for different user problems. You can create a solution that will benefit other businesses and sell it. 

2. Web Development

Web Development is one of the High demand skills in this Digital Era. You can earn a lot’s money from clients by making their Professional Website. Only you have to know the Programming Language which is used for Developer.

By the way, there is miss confusion in People that they think Web development is only for making Website.

The original work is not only making a Website but also, you have to maintain the Website, Website Problem Solutions, web-based applications, and Security Testing, many more.

According to Payscale, The Highest Salary of a Web Developer is 70000+per month, but it depends on various factors. Also, if you make a client from foreign, your overall earnings will be 1 Lakh+ Per Month Without College Degree.

3. Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing made every business and Company market their products on the internet by Ads. Anyone can do digital marketing if they have skills in Search Engine Optimization, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Email Marketing, etc.

You can learn Digital Marketing with the Help of Google and Youtube. There are many Professional Digital Marketers like Harsh Agrawal, Neil Patel, Anil Agarwal, Adam Enfroy, Digital Pratik who teach you How to do Digital Marketing Properly.

In addition, if you can afford some money, you can buy Digital Marketing Course or get admission to Digital Marketing Institute.

Explore the Internet Free and Market your Products at Low Cost.

According to Payscale, The Highest Salary of a Digital Marketer is 1 Lakh+per month, but it depends on various factors. Also, if you make a client from foreign, you can make money whatever you want.

4. Mobile App Development

The future is all about Mobile Phones. This skill is closely related to Coding and Web Development but it has become a market in itself.

Mobile users are is growing day by day massively. That’s the result, Mobile App Development is the most demandable skill in the Technology Field.

There are many mobile OS Platforms like iOS and Android. Everyone has a specific development rule.

 However, when you start tapping into the true power of app development and web development for mobile devices, the possibilities are endless and you can make the magic a reality.

According to Payscale, The Highest Salary of a Mobile Application Developer is 80 Thousand to 90 Thousand per month, but it depends on various factors. 

5. Real Estate Investment

It requires great communication skills to complement it. You can be a real estate agent if you can play with the property market and make good money. 

Here you need to Convince People to buy and sell their Property. That is why you need to good at communication skills.

If you are a Digital Man, you have a good advantage. You can run Facebook Ads or Google Ads to get leads online. Then you have to Follow up on your lead.

By the way, Professionals need to take an exam here in India to get the certificate.

6. Graphic Design

Nowadays, everyone does digital marketing in Text form, Video form, or Podcast Form. That’s why the demand for Professional Graphic Designers is Growing up.

First doing any Project, you have to learn Photoshop, Illustrator then makes your Sample Project. After doing these 2 things, you will have a Good Portfolio, then you can reach out to MNC or make your own Client as a Freelancer.

According to Payscale, The Highest Salary of a Graphic Designer is 83 Thousand per month in India, but it depends on various factors.

7. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a form of advanced level marketing that involves strategically creating, publishing, and promoting content (including blog posts, emails, advertisement videos, and podcasts).

 Content marketing is commonly used to increase brand awareness and engagement, to attract visitors or customers, to generate sales leads, or to move purchases and earnings.

There are many different ways to do content marketing for your Brand.

  • Blogging
  • Video Content
  • Podcasting
  • Infographics
  • Email
  • Visual content
  • Ebooks
  • Slideshare presentations
  • Quizzes
  • Checklists
  • Courses
  • Webinars
  • Offline Seminar
  • Social Media

There are lot’s of things, you need to learn to become a Content Marketing strategist like

  • Competitor Blogs Analysis
  • Choosing a Content Structure and Format
  • Online Communities
  • and many more

If you want to be Content Marketing Strategist, Welcome to Expert World. Every Company and Brand wants to hire you.

8. Copywriting

Copywriting is the writing practice of, educating, informing, inspiring, or conveying a written text. In most cases, the copy is used to increase sales and conversions Online Business. Media, where copywriting is applied, includes sales letters, blog posts, ads, and social media posts.

There is no actual Training to become a copywriter, It’s just a daily practice, which you have to do.

Instead, you need to have good knowledge of these Skill:

  • Customer research
  • Web copywriting
  • Sentence structure
  • Content structure
  • Grammar and spelling
  • Online advertising

Honestly, according to the National Association of National Colleges and Employers, 80.3% of employers want to hire candidates with strong writing skills.

According to Payscale, The Highest Salary of a Copywriter is 57000 Thousand per month in India, but it depends on various factors.

9. Foreign Currency Exchange Trading 

A real skill is to be able to read the forex exchange market, analyze numbers, make good speculations, and place various orders. Not something you should take lightly. 

It also requires other complementary skills such as analytical skills and the ability to follow political news and business updates. But this kind of skill requires capital to get started.

On the other hand, you can also do online Trading in the Indian Stock Market. You can use some Mobile Trading apps like Angel Broking(Oldest and Trusted), Zerodha for trading in India.

Understanding the Trading Market is one thing but once you realize it will be a very good skill especially if you are thinking of doing big business

10. Web Design

Web Designing is one of the Growing and Demandable Skills in 2021. If you have a creative mind, you can earn 1 Lakh per month by selling your creativity skills from home without any College Degree.

Nowadays, every business shifts the offline market to an online market and they need a good web developer and web designer.

That’s why this is one of the good options for you to Earn Money from those Business Man.

Keep in mind, you have good knowledge of these Programming Language.

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Java Script
  4. Python

11. Video Game Testing

Are you a gamer? 

Do you love to play Games?

This is a good skill to make money without any College Degree.

Basically, the Gaming company hires those people who are experts in Video games or Professional gamers to check the Bug of theirs Game.

You develop a skill by playing more or more games that would allow you to understand a video game better than others. Things like the game’s storyline and narrative, characters, graphic effects, play experience, technique, special tricks and so much more.

By the way, Gamer, Do not take it easy, Game testing is really hard work. 

You need to spend at least 8 hours a day for 3 – 4 months continuously, earning about $8 – $10 an hour.

12. Videography 

It may seem easy to simply shoot videos from your Mobile but it’s not. There’s a lot to learn from composition, lighting and even duration plays a lot of importance too.

Making and editing videos is one heck of a skill. It requires knowledge of a number of editing software like Adobe Premiere, After Effects, knowledge in cameras and related equipment.

 Of course, there are many platforms to earn money by sharing your content, like YouTube, Instagram, and many more.

13. Photography

A picture means a thousand words.

Photography is one of the common skills that everyone can do. But, there is 2 difference between a Common Photo and Professional Photo.

Taking photos on your smartphone doesn’t make you a professional photographer, even if you have a lot of likes or good comments on social media.

If you are serious about photography, you have to use a DSLR and a Good Lense like Professional Photographer.

Photography is a very common skill among many people. It requires long hours of practice and it comes with complementary skills like Photoshop and other photo editing software. A skilled photographer can make a good income in India.

Photographers can be hired for weddings, corporate events, and personal events.

In addition, you can sell your Stock Photo on websites like Pixabay, Pexels, and many more.

14. Podcasting 

A podcast is an audio conversation  program like Radio, but you have get subscription plan on your smartphone and listen to it whenever you want.

A podcast is an episodic series of spoken digital audio files that a user can easily download to a personal device for listening.

The podcast is a major competitor to mainstream media (including television, radio, and newspapers). It is a skill that develops quality content to attract listeners and viewers.

Podcasters can earn very well depending on the number of their listeners. It takes dedication, hard work, and a lot of patience to Earn Money Without any College Degree.

15. Social Media Infuencer

Social media influencer is Hot trending Topic in this Digital Era.

If you have skill in 1 Niche where you are master on this. You can show your creativity in every Social Media Handles. And you can be famous on this Niche, your Follower will gain day by day.

You will be a Master in this field for your Audience. Then you have to engage in your Audience.

When you have a good amount of Active Followers, many Brands will sponsor you to advertise their products.  And you will get a commission on every sell which you will do by sharing your Coupon Code.

16. Fitness Trainer

Every People want to maintain their Healthy Body.

We know, exercise is the best way to fit your body, everyone wants to do this. But, they can not do perfectly.

They need a Personal Fitness Trainer.

If you like to do work out, and you have s sufficient knowledge on Gym Equipment, Exercise,  this will best option for you.

You can share your knowledge and exercise with them as a Fitness Trainer.

In this 21s era, Fitness is one of the hot trending topic. So, if you use it properly, you can make lots of money from it.

Remember, if you have good knowledge of it, you will be earning something. Neither not.

17. Makeup Artist

There is a way to attract the attention of beauty. Beauty and fashion trends have always been in trend but today more and more, people have become aware of their appearance.

A creative career with a wide array of makeup artistic possibilities and successful artists are able to use design skills, experiments, and Creativity to create stunning looks

Makeup artists must keep pace with fashion trends and product development and are interested in skin science and beauty.

If you want to be a good and Premium Makeup Artist, you need to have these skills.

  • A good color perception
  • Please for make-up
  • Good communication skills
  • Good business knowledge and diplomacy
  • Be creative and artistic
  • Able to work under pressure
  • A willingness to work long hours
  • Stability, patience, and concentration
  • Look for detailed care

18. Event Management

Events and management are rapidly adopting as a hot career option due to the growing trend in the retail and marketing sectors.

It involves:

  • Organizing an event with a target audience for a target audience
  • The concept of visualizing
  • Budget and Planning
  • Performance

Working at fashion shows, concerts, seminars, exhibitions, weddings, themed parties, product launches, etc.

You can start your own Event Management Company with your Event Management MBA Degree or without a Degree.

Just, keep in mind, you have good communication and Dealing skill.

Many Event Management Company makes lots of Money or many are not Make.

It fully depend on you, how you can manage and interact with your Worker.

19. Maintenance and Repairs

Nowadays, everyone uses Electronics and Mechanical Machine. But, the fact is, How much machine we will use, there is a chance to increase the system failure.

Then, we need a maintenance and Repair person.

Fixing things is a skill that will ultimately pay off very well. However, such skills vary. One can learn computer repair, car repair, machine repair, and home appliance repairs.

Earnings can vary depending on what you are repairing and how many items you can repair each day.

The good things are, you have to know the Procedure, how to repair. 

20. Carpentry and Decoration

If you are interested in the blank industry, you may need expertise in Swedish furniture giant IKEA.

Carpentry is one of those skills that allow you to start your own business. It’s a lot bigger than you think. Dition carpentry is not enough nowadays.

Complementary skills may include conceptual design, computer design, and intense knowledge of space.

Basically, in this era, everything is Computerize. That is why you need to know Illustration and Photoshop to design the decoration.

21. Gardening

Growing your own fruits and vegetables in your own house saves a lot of money and time from your grocery shopping. 

But, that is not easy, you have to give lots of Hard work.

A necessary survival skill that saves the owner a lot of money and literally allows the owner to reap the fruits of their labor.

 The Indian government has provided financial assistance to help Indian Youth who plan to start their own farming business. These aids extend beyond just the financial side and include tools and equipment, seeds, fertilizers, land, and more.

There is also urban farming which is increasing popularity in India. It’s basically about cultivating your own crops in the city.

Farmers will get huge benefits. The Indian government wants to encourage more people to stay in this line of work. Also, the Indian Goverment launches many Yojana for our farmers.

22. Fashion Designing

Modeling is the Hot Trending topic at this time.

Many new fashion designers are selling their products on social media. This is the fastest and easiest way to reach customers without spending so much.

Fashion design is a skill that is closely related to sewing and knitting where the designer can make his creation a reality. Creativity, practicality, and artistic vision allow designers to start their own businesses, partnering with well-known brands and lesser-known brands.

 Fashion designers can use their names to label their clothing lines. It doesn’t stop at making clothing, it extends to making accessories and something related.

23. Public Communication Skill

Public Speaking Skill is one of the Trending ways to earn money with your Voice. If you shy in Public to communicate, Join Public Speaking Institute, then Learn and Practice day by day, you will enrich your career with this Skill.

Especially, you are doing a Motivational and Leadership speaking role in Auditorium.

In fact, man company hire those people who can motivate their Employe to do work.

Learning to tell your story as a public speaker and then selling it to people who are interested in hearing it can establish oneself as a public speaker. 

So, it is a good option where you can make money by  selling your speech

24. Stage Performing and Acting

This field is very difficult to reach. One has to spend a lot of time and effort to build their skills, body language, facial expressions, and much more. 

If someone is really good at it, they can be famous and that means good pay from dramas, commercials, movies and much more. Payments are usually made by projects. 

Basically, Small projects don’t pay much, but big projects can pay a few million. 

Don’t forget about product support

25. Insurance Agent

Are you know LIC Insurence Policy?

Maybe, you know.

In India, LIC gives the best insurance policy for their consumer.

By the way, Now Comes to the Point.

If you want to be an insurance agent, you can make lots of money by promoting a selling insurance policy. And, it will be a recurring monthly income.

Just remember, you have to expert in selling Pitch.

Sales of insurance include working for auto, life, health, and home insurance companies, but insurance sales skills can also play a role in insurance underwriting, real estate, personal financial advice, and other jobs

Shade the experienced agent. In most cases, you need to be licensed by your own state.

Anything I Missed?

So those are Skills To Earn 1 Lakh Per Month if have not any College Degree.

And now I’d like to know from you:

Are there any Demandle Skills that you like… but didn’t see on this list?

Or maybe you have any questions or doubt.

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below RIGHT NOW.


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