6 Effective Ways To Earn Money From Home Like Satish K Videos

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In this post, I will show you the 6 Ways To Earn Money From Home During Lockdown in Digital Marketing Industry. Not sitting up, You have to Work.

Earn Money From Home

There are 2 methods of earning money.

  • Short Term
  • Long Term.

In Short Term, You can make more from the first or second day, but the number will be a low amount.

On the other hand, In the long term, you can not make money from the first day, it takes time to earn money but, the number will exponentially grow after few times.

Video EditingMinimum 1000 INR
Subtitle100-200 INR for 1 Minute
Script Writing2000 INR for 5-7 Minutes
Voice Over2000 INR for 30 Seconds
Instagram Carousel or Instagram Post100-300 INR for 1 Post
Video To Article (Content Writing)200-250 for 1000 Words

So, Let’s get started…

6 Awesome Ways To Earn Money From Home

1. Video Editing

Yes, It is Video Editing is the most Demandable and Futuristic requirement. Let’s think, How many Videos you watch every day at this time and the Past 3 Years Ago? Now, Video Consumption is Growing.

People want to shoot their own Youtube videos, Shorts, Reels but, they have not time to Edit the Video. So, they want Video Editor.

How to Find and Worked with Client?

First of all, You have to check out the small Creator and approached him with your Tactics. You can show your Sample Video or You can edit the first 3 Videos.

If you worked, Client Loved, they will hire you. But the Charge will depend on your work, also you have to negotiate with them.

2. Subtitle

Are you know Digital Pratik

If Yes, Then show his Instagram Post or any type of content, they add subtitles in every Post. It helps his post to get more engageable.

If you don’t know Digital Pratik, search him on Google, Facebook, or Instagram and show his post.

It is the most time taking task. If the creator wants to do it, her or his time is not manageable in other work. They want a person who can do it.

How to Worked with Client?

Basically, there are 2 types of subtitles.

  • Hindi- English
  • English – English

You can charge him for 1 Type, 200 Ruppess for 1 minute.

On the other hand, for the 2nd type, You can charge him 100 Ruppess for 1 Minute. Because It takes little than 1st.

3. Script Writing

If your hobby is Story Thinking, Story Writing, This is your Best Option. Because, It is one of the most Demandble Creations for the Creator, If any Video Creator on this topic which you already know in detail or make a little video on a similar topic which you have,  you can be Paid.

Just Thinks and write down into copy or Mobile Phone.

Nowadays, Many Creator work with Brands for Brand Creation. And they want a guy who can share value by their Creativity.

You can help people who want to take frictional videos, according to their topic, you can share your creativity.

Be Confident with Your Work, Fly the sky with your work.

4. Voice Over

In India, many brands want a Voice Over but, there is a small group of people who can do it.

As if, many people want it, but experts are low. That is why It is High Paid Job.

Like Stock Market, Demand High but Supply Low. Stock Price is High.

The same things happened here.

What You Have To Do?

Only, You have to buy a Good Quality Mic for Better sound. Because VoiceOver is the First Impression of Video. If the First 30 Seconds are not good not valuable and enjoyable for the Audience, People are not Consume the Full Content.

The rate of a Voice Over is 2000+ for 30 Seconds.

5. Instagram Carousel or Instagram Post

What !!

Are you crazy?

How To do?

Let me explain guys.

Basically, You can see some Instagram posts which you have to slide in next. 

You can do it free at Canva.com. Every creator can do it free, but why they can not do it? Because It takes little time. That’s why you are here. Just Approach him.

You can charge 100 to 300 Rupees for 1 Instagram Post. Hardly, you have to spend 1 Hour doing that.

So you can easily make mimum 1000 Rupees in a Day.

6. Video To Article (Content Writing)

Now, You can say, it is the oldest thing, Content Content Writing, bla, bla… 

But, are you do that?


Basically, here you have to translate or convert video to Article, as Satish Kushwa does on his blog, Satichkushwa.com.

If a video creator creates video content, you can ask him to translation their video to the article, which helps him to get more views and Viral Probability from Google. It also helps them to get more Earn money by Ads or Affiliate Marketing.

You can charge him for 0.20 to 0.25 rupees for 1 Word.

The Last Decision To Earn Money From Home

So, here are the 6 Real Ways to earn money from home during the lockdown in 2021. You can do any of them to make money from home without any investment. Also, You can scale up this work as a Business.

Now, I’d like to know from you:

What is your first Choice on this list?

Let Me know in the comment Right Now.

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