Job vs Network Marketing: Which is Best in USA, India? (2024)

Job vs Network Marketing

In this post, I’m going to share the difference between Job vs Network Marketing.

So if you’re looking for a DEEP comparison of these 2 Different platforms, you’ve come to the right place.

Because in today’s post I’m going to compare Multi-level Marketing or Network Marketing vs Job in terms of:

  • Money
  • Security and Freedom
  • Personal Development
  • And lots more

So, let’s get started…

Network marketing vs Job

Network MarketingJob
1. You can start with a low investment.1. There is no real investment.
2. You can Become your own Boss.2. Someone else is the boss.
3. Network Marketers earn passive income.3. People earn linear Income, not passive income.
4. Have Money Freedom.4. No Money Freedom.
5. There is no Fixed Time to work, have Time Freedom.5. No Time Freedom.
6. Exponential Updation in Personality.6. Slow Personality Growth, if the organization is not well known.
7. Need time off or Holiday? Take it.7. Need time off? Beg!.
8. Want more money? Work More Earn more.8. Want more money? Work More Beg!.
9. Lend Money.9. Loan Money.

Which Gives You More Money?


Let’s start with the first point to see in the job sector.

 You will get a fixed salary and if you do something good then some incentive. On the other hand, there is no fixed salary in Multi-level Marketing. Here you get the profit you get a percentage on the whole turnover which you produced. 

When your Team will develop and turnover revenue on the sales. It increases your to get exponential growth in network marketing.

You did not get exponential growth in the job.

For example,  if your salary is then you will get thirty thousand every month and maybe after one year it will be 35000 then after two years it will get 40 or 50 Thousand.

On the other hand, Income grows slowly in network marketing.

Do not think, is it a legal method?  Proudly to say, you earn money legally from Network Marketing Business.

Maybe your first-month income will be 30000 but next month  60000 and third month 900000, this way of growth comes in network marketing is called exponential growth.

But you get fix salary in the job sometimes you can get incentives depending on your job category.

Where is Income Security and Freedom Network Marketing or Job?

You think jobs have security, we are secure that we have a job but it is generally in government jobs.

There is no security in the private job because if the business runs slowly you may lose your job.

On the other hand, there is no security in network marketing if you will

work here then you will get money if the system develops then money will come. 

But, But, if once the system is developed you will get the freedom you become free we don’t need to do work daily.

So, you have to choose whether you need security or you need freedom.

SectorNetwork Marketing or MLMJob
Time and Money Freedom Yes No
 Security No (It will Be Yes If your Business will Run Ethically) Yes

Is Network Marketing Have Fixed Timing Like Job?

In a job from 9 to 5 or 10 to 6, you have to go on your fixed timing.

On the other hand, there is no fixed timing in network marketing, you have to work your way from 9 to 6 or from morning 9 am to night 12 o clock it’s your choice or not to do.

If you do work if you work properly then the system will become either you will work or not Money comes on. That’s called Passive Income.

Here are no fixed timings like a job there are flexible timings.

It’s your choice what you want if you want in life that you have fixed timings definitely go for a job.

Either a government job or a Private Job, you will get fixed timings and fix security but if you need freedom go for network marketing.

Retirement Plan of Job and MLM

You get retirement in the job when you will get retired your pension plans will start your pension start. On the other hand, in-network

marketing there is not any pension plan.

But, yes you don’t have to wait for 50 to 60 years in network marketing for retirement. You can also take early retirement well.

If anyone retires from this Business and he renewal their ID in their Company, he will get money from this company. Only one condition, if his team or Downline work.

You get money inheritable income after you leave. 

The money will get coming for the generation and generation if Your company exists.

You have to choose that you want the pension plan you want retirement or you have to retire early and you have to produce inheritable income.

Is Network Marketing Kill Your Social Status?

I can say for the job is Good if you have a good or respectable job and especially have a government job then your ones become a social status people feel good for you that you have a respectable job and that is very good.

 In network marketing, you have to prepare if you are going to move forward a little harm will get to your social status. 

If you are in Middle Class or Ordinary People Category. It will get a little harm to your social status.

People don’t feel good if a person is in-network marketing and if it will happen in starting until your respectable income will hit get started.

Till you have an income of less than 1 Lakh, people will say some can also say anything after 1 Lakh so you have to get prepared for this.

If you will go to a government job people will say that he is a government servant and he is getting a good salary. And, It is very good, according to society.


You have to choose, what you want. You do get more income definitely in network marketing but people have a negative perception about it especially is starting.

Job vs Network Marketing: Which Increases Your Daily Budget?

If a person is in a job sector, he gets a fixed salary because his salary is fixed.

They have a budget for every month that you have to spend budgeted money.

On the other hand, the person will go with the budget in his life in network marketing there is no budget for people because of what happens here by making a budget.

One month you get an income of rupees 30000 budget made, according to it, next month income will come 50000 budget. It will be made like this and in next month’s income will come 1 lakh or 5 Lakh, the budget will be made like this.

 So, what the will budget do here is snowball effect team grows and multiple, and because it multiplies no need to make a budget.

Here so here you have to choose whether you need a fixed budget or you want to avoid budget and you want to produce a snowball effect so these two things can happen.

Here in the job, you can go for fix budget, and In network marketing, you can produce a snowball effect here.

Which Improves Your Personal Development?

 If you are in the Job Sector, there is limited personal development.

Which type of work do you do? You can get training only on it and work expect from you according to it.

But, in network marketing, there is no money without personal development, has to grow every day as he progresses as his income will increase.

As he has to develop himself here is the opposite personal development will not happen according to income, income will generate through personal development.

As the person will grow he will get income, according to it. 

So, you have to choose whether you need personal development or not if you need then go for network marketing.

Otherwise, if you want that you will get limited training go for a job.

Travel Opportunity

Do you like to travel anywhere?

Now,  coming to the point, Travel opportunities in the job are Very limited until you have not a traveling job otherwise you will go on less on the trip if you will be sent by the company.

In Multi-level Marketing, you get will luxurious international trips every year get national international trips. When you will get some achievement.

Every company offers a Trip to explore foreign and everything is paid for by the company and it is also for the whole family.

You can go with family, this is the advantage you get in network marketing that you will roam abroad you can travel the world.

So, it depends on you, Do like to stay in a limited Place or Travelling?

Job vs Network Marketing: Which Gives You Real Success?


if you want a well-secured job, for example, you want a government job then the real truth is the probability you will get a job very less maybe it will be 5%.

In MLM, it is the same, if you have to succeed here the probability is very less, 95% of People could not get success here.

Also, it is the same, To get a job probability is less on both sides to get success here probability is only 5%. 

But you have to see in which direction you have to there are different advantages and there are different advantages.

If I talk about the final decision to get a government job and a good job who have to do study a lot of studies.

Once in a while, to clear entrance and competitive exams you have to do lots of studies and then you get a job.

And, you are secured in network marketing if you have joined it and stopped learning.

 So, the money will stop coming Money will come until your education goes on to increase your education and make yourself best develop your skills then you can only earn money in this industry.

Some of the Popular Network Marketing Companies are;

Is Risk both side MLM and Job?

There is no place in the world where you have not to take Risks. In every aspect of life, you have to take Risks.

Now, Come to the topic, Some say, MLM or Network Marketing is a Risk-free business as compared to Traditional businesses and Jobs.  But, sorry to say, It is not true if someone says this, Please Keep away from them.

There are still some risks in both cases, Job or MLM.

There are a few big risks to the job here.

  1. Job insecurity: Approx 120 million people have lost their jobs due to the pandemic, which shows that there is always job insecurity.
  2. Limited Growth: Your growth is highly dependent on the organization you are working with, even if you keep everything to yourself. In some large organizations like Google, TCS, and Microsoft, you can scale up your Knowledge, Skill as well as Growth. But, there are some companies where you probably can not do it.
  3. Internal competition: The internal competition of the organization affects the job in all aspects.

On the other hand, there are a few big risks to the MLM here.

  1. The collapse of MLM companies: Most MLM companies shut down after 4 to 5 years, which directly ruined the hard work of the leaders in building the downline.
  2. Low success rate: Network Marketing Success rate is 0.04%. Success in Network Marketing or MLM is more difficult than admission to IIM or IIT.
  3. Company Saturation: Various popular MLM companies face market saturation problems after working for several years, which ultimately slows growth after a period of time. Most of the Case for this is Updation. If the company does not change its Products, systems, and Management, according to the Trend, It will surely shut down.
  4. Relationship Loss: It is the most common reason for all Network marketers. Typically, new networkers ruin their relationships with friends and family when they don’t listen.

Frequently Asked Question

  1. Is Network Marketing better than a Job? 

    Yes or Not. Network Marketing or MLM is good and also Job is Good. There are several Pros and Cons between these 2 sectors like Security, Money Freedom, Social Status, Personal Growth. You have to Decide, Which is Perfect for Your Personality.

  2. Is network marketing a good career?

    100% Yes. Network Marketing or Direct Selling is a Good Career Option. Basically, Network Marketing is one type of Referring business If you do this Business ethically, You can succeed here.

  3. Is Network Marketing Secure than Govt Job?

    Not Sure. When your Company ethically does this Business and when Your Downline or Whole Team Do their Business for a Long Term Basis, It will be secured. On the Other Hand, Government Job is Fully Secured.

  4. Is being an MLM better than IAS?

    Absolutely No. IAS is the Indian highest Paying Administrative Service Job. To get this job, you have to invest 3-5 Years. On the other hand, MLM is a Business in which you have to sell company Products and join other people to do the same and also make Team.

Job vs Network Marketing: The Final Decision

So, Guys, I shared my Best Comparison of Job vs Network Marketing. I Do not know, What is best for you Multi-Level Marketing or a Job? 

In this Detailed Post, I share the 10 Factors of Both industries. Now, It is your Decision, What do you like and Want to go with Which Industry?

I’d Like to know from you:

Are you a Student? or Working Person?

If you work with any Direct Selling Company, Which is this?

Let me know in Comment Right Now.

9 thoughts on “Job vs Network Marketing: Which is Best in USA, India? (2024)”

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  2. Manisha Kumari

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    Is this company is good …
    Because people asked if this company will shut down then what next but I believe on so much that this is most trusted company….
    So can u reply my queries.



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    1. we have a team member working in AUBank he asked the same question my reply was simple you have Sunday work only on Sunday and you will get success.
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  5. It is pretty exciting to read your blog as you are too young in this industry. Network Marketing is undoubtedly a stunning area to grow up our career and life. It’s really wonderful.


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