Mary Kay Review: Is Mary Kay Pyramid Scheme? (2024)

In this post, I’m gonna show you the complete company information about Mary Kay Company and know the truth of Is Mary Kay Pyramid Scheme.

Mary Kay Pyramid Scheme

Here, you will know about,

  • Company profile of Mary Kay 
  • Mary Kay Compensation Plan
  • About Mary Kay Pyramid Scheme 
  • And many more.

Let’s get started.

About Mary Kay

Mary Kay is a multi-level marketing company that was founded in 1963 by the late Mary K. Ash of Texas with an initial investment of just $5,000. Mary Kay Sell Cosmetics and Skincare Products.

Mary Kay is a US-based MLM Makeup company that employs MLM business models to sell its products. It started out as a small beauty shop with just 9 products and 9 employees called Ash Beauty Consultant.

Richard Rogers is the co-founder and son of Mary Kay and also now he is still the executive chairman of the Company. On the other hand, David Hall serves as president and chief executive officer.

Mary Kay signed up for Independent Distributors and called on Beauty Consultants to sell and distribute products directly to people in their circles. The company is running it’s Business worldwide on 5 continents.

How Mary Kay Started

Son of Mary Kay Ash, Richard R. Rogers runs the company, serving as executive chairman. As co-founder of the business, Richard was actually involved at the age of 20.

Long story short, more than half a century after Mary Kay started, the company continues to improve and do business ethically, and also it is growing.

Mary Kay Company Profile

Company NameMary Kay Inc.
FounderMary Kay Ash
CEODavid Holl (2006)
Started13 September 1963
Product CategoriesSkincare, Makeup, Body & Sun, Fragrance, Men’s, Gift
HeadofficeAddison, Texas, United States
Phone Number1-800-627-9529

Mary Kay Products

Mary Kay offers a wide Product range of over 200 premium products in 6 major categories:

  • Facial skincare
  • Color cosmetics
  • Body care
  • Sun protection
  • Fragrance

Best selling products of Mary Kay are oil-free eye makeup remover and TimeWise, Miracle Set. In addition, Sunscreen, Cleaners, and Moisturizers are also popular products of the company.

Are Mary Kay Products Good?

Yes. Mary Kay Products are very good quality products.  The company has its own PhD-level biochemists, toxicologists, microbiologists, and pharmacologists.

In MLM Industry, there is a myth that companies sell products at a high price without providing real value. By the way, Mary Kay does not do it. Though the products are very expensive the quality of the product is also very high and worth it.

Why is Mary Kay so expensive?

Well, According to people’s opinion, Mary Kay products are so expensive, because of their quality. Yet, In my review, It is too overpriced.

Is Mary Kay A Global Brand?

Yes, Mary Kay is a Global Brand. From the United States to Russia, Products of Mary Kay are being sold in more than 35 countries around the world

Is Mary Kay an MLM?

Yes, Mary Kay is an American MLM company that makes and sells cosmetics and skincare products. For Many Years, Mary Kay has been leading their name for manufacturing Beauty and Makeup products in Beauty Industry.

By the way, some say, Company is working in Affiliate Marketing Program, As mentioned earlier, Mary Kay Inc. is a privately owned not only an American multi-level marketing company but also, Mary Kay is among the Top 10 MLM Companies in America. it is a brand that sells cosmetics and beauty products through a party plan network marketing framework, that’s why it is also listed in the list of Top Party Plan companies.

Can You Really Make Money with Mary Kay?

Yes, You can make money from Mary Kay Company. But, the harsh truth is, It is too difficult to make money.

Like all other networking companies in MLM, Mary Kay Distributor will have to sell Cosmetic and Skincare Products and make retail profit and commission as per the Mary Kay Compensation Plan.

Lots of people come with network marketing but only a few can make money from it.

Now, don’t get me wrong …

If you want to work harder with this business model then you can definitely make some real money. Though some talk about Mary Kay Pyramid Scheme, it is illegal. No, it is not illegal, you will make money from Mary Kay Legally, only by selling Products and joining new members.

How to Join Mary Kay?

To Join Mary Kay as a Consultant, first, you have to buy a Mary Kay Starter Kit worth $100. From this voucher, It comes with business brochures and supplies, including a retail-sized products Catalog, samples, and sales tips assigned to your desired clients.

Mary Kay distributors can make money in two ways. One is from direct sales to customers, and another is, from commissions based on sales made by their downline.

According to a review, Mary Kay consultants can get up to 50% of Retail Profit by selling Products. 

Mary Kay’s compensation plan

Like Other MLM companies, There are 2 ways you can make some money from Mary Kay MLM Company.

  • Sell ​​products to earn commissions
  • Recruit people and earn downline bonuses

Keep in mind that you can earn bonuses from selling your downlines and not just by hiring them.

So, before we dive into Mary Kay’s compensation plan, let’s take a look …

There are 3 types of Income for Mary Kay as a Consultant, you can earn.

1. Direct sales to Consumer

In Direct Sales, the Distributor or Consultant buys products from the wholesaler’s price the company and sells them at the Retail Price. In the Direct Sales Method, the Distributor can make Make 50% profit from every sale.

2. Downline sales

The more commissions you earn, the more likely you are to increase your Downline sales. When your Downline will also sell products like yours and generate revenue for the company. You will also earn money up to 4% commission on your downline sales.

3. Team formation

According to you size of your Downline Team, you can earn a $50 to $3000 bonus depending on the position you are promoted.

Skincare Classes & Facials:

  • Skin Care Classes- 3-6 women present
  • Facial- (40%-50% profit)
  • Average class length- 2 1⁄2 hours
  • Average class sales- $150.
  • Average income/hour (profit)- $25.


  • 40%-50% profit from consumable Products (like bread, and milk).
  • The average customer purchases $150/year.


  • In case, if you can’t do a scheduled class, you can ask a sister
    Consultant to manage it for you. And, you will get a 15% commission on the total sales. From that class, because you were the mentor who originally scheduled the Class.

Team Building:

  • 4% with 1-4 active team members (3 active team member-star recruiter Status).
  • 9% with 5 active team members. (5 active team members – Team Leader Status).
  • 13% Order on a calendar with 5 or more of your team members
    Month and you order the same month.
  • If you add 1 or more new eligible members to the team, you will get $50 cash bonus.
  • $50 cash bonus Every month you add 1 or more new eligible teams
    Members ($500 bonus is awarded for each newly qualified team member. Star Employer and above (5 new eligible = $ 250 bonus) (eligible = $ 600 Wholesale order minimum).

Mary Kay Compensation Plan PDF Download

Now, if you really want to download Mary Kay Compensation Plan 2022 PDF Format, then click on the ‘Download PDF’ button. And, this file will open in your Google Drive. Then you can either save this PDF file in Google Drive or download it to your mobile or laptop.

Is Mary Kay a pyramid scheme?

No, Mary is not a pyramid scheme.

A pyramid scheme is a company or organization that promises to pay its members to only hire people for the company. In Pyramid Scheme, Recruitment is the first priority over sales of the company’s products and services.

In Mary Kay Company, members can earn money by selling their beauty products without hiring people. Though, you have to hire new people to earn lots of money through Mary Kay Compensation Plan.

But a good question for such an MLM company is … is the Mary pyramid scheme in disguise? Honesty says Mary Kay is not a Pyramid Scheme.

Why Is Mary Kay Not Dual Marketing?

Mary Kay’s purpose is to move away from joining as an MLM. That’s why Mary Kay company management decided to name and call their Business Model a “dual-level marketing” program.

Mary came up with that phrase and of course, you will ask,

What is Dual Level Marketing?: Dual-Level Marketing is the idea that the product has two sales (from the company to the consultant and the customer’s consultant) somehow means it’s a “dual-level” term.

By the way, if you see depth on this, It is a Multi-level Marketing Plan.

Is Mary Kay a scam?

No, Mary Kay is not a scam. Mary Kay sells Legitimate Beauty and Makeup products through their Direct Seller and pays a commission according to their compensation plan.

But, Why do Some people report the company being scammed?

Well, People realize that they are losing more money than they earn by buying products from the company and wasting their time. it has to do with their frustration because they have to buy their own product if they do not reach the sales quota.

Mary Kay Pros & Cons

Mary Kay has been around for more than 50 years Globally, and It is a multi-billion-dollar businessAs with all MLM companies, you can’t make a little or huge amount of money unless you hire new Mary Kay distributors in your team.
Top Grow business of very Consultant of Mary Kay, Company provides high-quality sales tools for their Consultant including a top website and extensive marketing materials.Due to frequent product updates, there are many complaints that there is a lot of “inventory” left that they cannot sell.
Independent consultants or Direct Sellers of the company can earn up to 50 percent commission on the products they sell.When you first became a distributor, many former IBCs complained about the initial ordering process and the “front-loading” of products.
Some lucrative prizes await top distributors, including financial bonuses, luxury travel, jewelry, and state-of-the-art gadgets.You need to order a minimum of $225 every three months from the company to meet IBC monthly production number.


  1. What is Mary Kay?

    Mary Kay is a multi-level marketing company that sells cosmetics, skin care, and fragrances. It was founded in 1963 by Mary Kay Ash, and it is one of the largest direct sales companies in the world.

  2. What are the benefits of becoming a Mary Kay consultant?

    There are many benefits to becoming a Mary Kay consultant, including:
    1. The ability to work from home and set your own hours.
    2. The opportunity to earn a commission on your sales.
    3. The chance to build a team of consultants and earn bonuses.
    4. The ability to attend training and educational events.
    5. The opportunity to make new friends and build relationships.

  3. Is Mary Kay a scam?

    Mary Kay is not a scam. It is a legitimate business that has been around for over 50 years. However, it is important to note that there is no guarantee of success as a Mary Kay consultant. You will need to work hard and be willing to invest time and money into your business if you want to be successful.

  4. How much money can I make as a Mary Kay consultant?

    The amount of money you can make as a Mary Kay consultant will vary depending on your sales and your team’s sales. However, Mary Kay consultants can earn up to 50% commission on their sales.

  5. What are the requirements to become a Mary Kay consultant?

    To become a Mary Kay consultant, you must be at least 18 years old and have a valid driver’s license. You must also complete the Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement and pay a $99 start-up fee.

  6. What are the different levels of Mary Kay consultants?

    There are four levels of Mary Kay consultants: Independent Beauty Consultant, Senior Consultant, Director, and National Sales Director. Each level has its own set of benefits and requirements.


I hope you found full information about the Mary Kay MLM company and Mary Kay Pyramid Scheme in this article. In short, The Beauty and Makeup products of Mary Kay are very good and effective, though, it is too expensive.

By the way, there are many factors before joining a network marketing company, you have to know.

Now, I’d like to know you:

Have you already used Mary Kay’s products?

Would you like to join Mary Kay as a company consultant or direct seller?

Let me know in the comment Right now.

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2 thoughts on “Mary Kay Review: Is Mary Kay Pyramid Scheme? (2024)”

  1. A Concerned Reader

    You clearly did not research enough, as there are many items in your article that are inaccurate. There are too many errors to mention them all, but here are 10 of the most glaring mistakes in your article.
    1. Mary Kay IS a dual-marketing company and NOT a MLM.
    2. Bonus commission from the company goes from 4% to 32%.
    3. There are 6 ways to earn income from Mary Kay, not just the 2 you reported.
    4. You are NOT required to purchase a $100 starter kit; you can join for as little as $30.
    5. There is no “front-loading” of products as you are not required to purchase inventory.
    6. Though you do need to have $225 in orders (generally this is from customers) to stay active, there are no monthly production number requirement.
    7. There should not be a lot of unsold inventory since consultants are not required to keep any inventory. Consultants may keep zero inventory, selling directly from the company, or they may choose to keep some inventory to give faster, more personalized service. The only way your article would be true is if people were intentionally over-stocking inventory and then choosing not to sell it.
    8. Your heading says, “Why is Mary Kay Not a Dual Marketing Company” and then goes on to explain why it is a dual marketing company. FYI, Mary Kay is a dual marketing direct sales company since consultants buy directly from the company to sell directly to consumers and the company pays bonus commissions to consultants who choose to build a team.
    9. Mary Kay is NOT overpriced, or expensive. Given the level of quality, it is much cheaper than its department store competitors.
    10. It is not hard to make money with Mary Kay’s business model, if you make any effort. That’s because there are no inventory requirements and Mary Kay consultants are paid a 50% commission—the highest commission in direct sales plus bonuses paid directly from the company when they team-build.

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