Primerica Legit or Scam?



Primerica Financial Services Company

Primerica is a USA Based MLM Company, founded by Arthur L. Williams Jr. and Glen J. Williams in 1977. It Provides Financial services and Insurance Policies.


What Does Primerica Do?

Primerica provides a wide range of insurance and financial services for the daily life of the people.


What Service Does Primerica Offer?

1. Financial Needs Analysis 2. Term Life Insurance 3. Auto & Homeowners Insurance 4. Long Term Care Insurance 5. Financial investments 6. Debt Management


Earn Commission from Primerica 

1. Insurance Sales Commission 2. Overrides on downline insurance 3. Differences In Downline Insurance Sales 4. Commissions on other products


Primerica Joining Fees

To join and get started Business with Primerica as Insurance and Financial Advisory Agent, it will cost $99.


Is Primerica a Scam?

Technically, Primerica is not a Scam. Basically, when you as an agent of the company sell any products or recruit new members under you, you will earn money.


 Dave Ramsey Say on Primerica

 “A.L. Williams almost 40 years ago for 3 months when I was 22. Hardly an endorsement. We do not endorse Primerica, their cost of insurance is HIGH.”
