iX Global is the fastest growing self betterment platform.

By Somraj Mondal

What is iX Global?

iX Global  is a learning and educational website, here you can learn skills like personality development and marketing.

foundation of iX Global?

iX Global is officially launched in 2020 and is located in UT, United States. Joseph Martinez is the founder and CEO of iX Global.

iX Global Joining Fees

To join iX Global you must become a Brand Ambassador by purchasing one of the subscriptions and maintain that by paying monthly.

iX Global Product

iX Global doesn’t market any physical products but offers some online services. 1. Human Development 2. Financial Development

iX Global Affiliate Rank

 Active Student Apprentice Coach Executive Coach Influencer Regional Influencer Global Influencer Master Influencer Presidential Influencer Elite Influencer

iX Global Compensation Plan

1. Direct Bonus ($15) 2. VIP Bonus ($100- $8000) 3. Team Commission (10% to 20% on the weaker team’s total PV based on the current rank. )

Is iX Global a Scam?  

Yes, iX Global is a scam. It would be a million dollar scandal if more people blindfolded for quick money became part of it.